Important Parent Information

 school is closed on Tuesday 12 December



Ofsted parents’ meetings

Thank you to all the parents who attended the meetings with Governors and a range of staff at the end of last half term. We also wish to thank parents who have spoken to teachers and senior leaders, either in the playground or in individual meetings; your views and contributions are greatly valued.

For those parents who were unable to attend the meetings, we shared the following key messages about our plans       following on from our Ofsted inspection:

-The school is working with Birmingham Education Partnership (BEP), Greet Teaching School Alliance and Birmingham Nursery Schools Teaching School Alliance. We also continue to work with our STEP schools on peer to peer review.

-The main actions from the Raising Attaining Plan (RAP) are:

  • A focus on improving teaching and learning in Nursery, Reception and at the end of Key Stage 1, including     moderation and validation of on-entry assessment data.
  •  Improving our use of assessment to improve teaching and learning across the school.
  •  A review of Governance
  •  A review of Pupil Premium funding (the use of funding for pupils on Free School Meals)

At the Ofsted meetings, Parents expressed a range of views and suggested some improvements, including the need for more effective communication with the school, particularly for working parents who were unable to come into school and talk to staff directly. Another improvement related to the way in which parents may be able to work more closely with school staff; a parents’ forum was suggested.

As a result of the meetings, we will be having:

¨ A half termly item in the newsletter to update you on our progress on the Raising Attainment Plan

¨ An open meeting with parents to meet Governors and staff each half term (a day time and evening session)

¨ Information in the newsletter about how you can communicate with the school

¨ A parents’ forum set up (separate from the Friends of Park Hill Fundraising group)

Parents’ meeting – Ofsted update

The next open meeting with parents will be on Thursday 13th July, during parents’ evening. Governors and senior staff will be available to talk with parents and carers over the course of the evening, whilst also allowing parents time to meet with class teachers. We are hoping that this will allow a larger number of parents to speak with us.


Parents and carers can contact the school in a variety of ways to best suit them:

  • All staff are available in the playground before and after school, if you wish to have a brief discussion. If, however, you wish to have a longer talk, you may arrange a meeting (there is no need to wait until parents’ evenings). Please note that staff have meetings on Wednesday and Thursday after school so these days are usually not   convenient for   teachers.
  • You may email to request a meeting, including the full name of your child and the class they attend in your message. You are welcome to phone in or send a note in with your child to request a     meeting, if you prefer.
  • As long as it is arranged in advance, and is mutually convenient, staff can meet with parents from 8.30am to 8.45am or after school between 3.45pm to 4.45pm (except on Wednesday and Thursday).
  • If you wish to meet with a member of the Leadership team; Mrs Khan (Head teacher), Mrs Bakalou (Deputy Head teacher), Mr Malcolm (Assistant Head teacher), Miss Smith (Assistant Head teacher), are available to meet       between 8.15am and 6pm. A meeting can be arranged by speaking to us directly before or after school, by       contacting Mrs Hill (0121 449 3004) or by emailing the school.
  • If you are interested in finding out more about how our pupils learn about Maths, English or Phonics, you may       arrange to meet with Miss Smith (Maths leader), Mrs Bakalou (English Leader) or Mrs Lawton (Early Years and   Foundation Stage leader).
  • Some of our pupils receive additional support; you may wish to contact Mrs Stoiber regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities provision or contact Mrs Ram if you need information about support for pupils with English as an Additional Language or Newly Arrived Pupils.


The school website contains all the newsletters, policies and our comments and photos on twitter; we hope that you follow this. The website is currently being reviewed by Mr Roberts; we will share more information about this in the near future. NOTE: If you wish to have the newsletter emailed to you, please inform Mrs Furlong in the school office.


The staff and Governors are fully committed to working with our families to ensure that the school continues to improve. Please keep talking to us!







Our ref: inyrvar/SPP

Date: 2nd May 2017


Dear Parent/Carer

Park Hill Primary School

Reduction to Published Admission Number for Reception Places in September 2017

I am writing to inform you about a proposed change to the Published Admission Number at Park Hill Primary School for entry to Reception in September 2017.

It has been considered by the Governing Body and the Leadership Team of the school, and supported by the Local Authority, that a reduction in the admission number from 90 to 60 for Reception 2017 should be sought from the Schools Adjudicator. The request for this change is in light of reduced birth rates for this year’s entry and will help the school divert resource to improve the overall education offer at Park Hill Primary School.

The change to the admission number from 90 to 60 will not affect the current pupils at the school or those who choose to accept their current offer for Reception in September 2017.

The Local Authority will be consulting on the proposed change of the admission number. The consultation will run from 3rd May 2017 for six weeks until 13th June 2017 inclusive.

We would like to give all current and future parents the opportunity to comment on the Local Authority’s proposal to reduce the admission number and if you wish to you may do so through the following website: (live from 3rd May 2017)

Full details of the proposed change including information of alternative ways to make comments are included in the enclosed/attached consultation document which is also on the school website.

Following this consultation, all comments received will be forwarded in full to the Office of The School Adjudicator for a decision. We will notify you of the decision when this has been made.

Yours faithfully


Kalsom Khan                           Chris Lawrence-Pietroni

Head teacher                          Chair of Governors




Proposal Document


Park Hill Primary School


In-Year-Variation: To Reduce a Published Admission Number




The Governing Body and Leadership Team of the school, with the full support of the Local Authority, propose to reduce the Published Admission Number (PAN) for reception, from 90 to 60 for 2017. The Schools Adjudicator will decide if the proposal will be implemented. The request for this change will help the school effectively focus resources to improve the overall education offered at Park Hill Primary School.

The change to the admission number from 90 to 60 will not affect the current pupils at the school or those who choose to accept an offer for a Reception place in September 2017.

We would like to ensure that all current and future parents, and any other interested stakeholders, have the opportunity to make comments on this proposal and information on how you can do this is detailed at the end of this document under “How to Make Your Views Known”.

 Proposal Background

Park Hill Primary School expanded from a PAN of 60 to 90 from 2010 to enable the Local Authority to address the local need for additional primary places. This expansion successfully addressed the immediate shortage of places in the area allowing more children to secure a local school place.

Pupil intake and local birth rates:

The majority of pupils at Park Hill Primary School come from Moseley and Kings Heath wards. 42% of the pupil population in October 2015 came from Moseley and Kings Heath ward and 35% from Sparkbrook ward. The birth rates across the Moseley and Kings Heath ward and Sparkbrook ward areas have reduced. This is likely to mean that Park Hill Primary School may have a large number of spare places from September 2017 which will ultimately have an effect on the amount of funding that the school will receive. (The school receives funding based on the number of pupils; with fewer pupils the funding is smaller.)

The table below shows the changing birth rates locally:

Birth Year Reception Entry Year Total No. of Local Births
2005-06 2010-11 1221
2006-07 2011-12 1168
2007-08 2012-13 1229
2008-09 2013-14 1176
2009-10 2014-15 1071
2010-11 2015-16 1136
2011-12 2016-17 1056
2012-13 2017-18 1088
2013-14 2018-19 1041
2014-15 2019-20 919


Falling numbers in the Infant years at Park Hill Primary School:

Park Hill Primary School has been experiencing declining numbers since 2014. Current numbers on roll are as follows:

R 1 2 3 4 5 6
79 75 80 89 89 90 90

Infant Class Size legislation says that an infant class cannot be larger than a ratio of 30:1 (30 pupils to 1 teacher). The school must therefore continue to staff three classes in each of the year groups, from Reception to Year 2, to comply with this legislation.

Children moving in and out of the school during the year:

The school has in recent years experienced a large fluctuation in the numbers of in-year admissions with up to 40 newly-arrived pupils being admitted across the school since September 2016, some of whom only stay a short time until they find a school closer to home.

Park Hill Primary School is proud of its multicultural diversity and welcome pupils from a large number of different cultural communities. The school have recently employed additional staff with bi-lingual skills in order for the school to overcome the language barrier for both the newly arrived pupils and their parents. This commitment carries with it additional costs which are being found within an already limited budget.

Standards and Attainment:

Following Park Hill Primary School’s latest OFSTED inspection in 2017, the school was judged as ‘Requiring Improvement’. It is right for the school to concentrate on their school improvement and to improve outcomes for all their pupils, and it is felt that stabilising their incoming Reception intake will support this.

Future funding:

The changes to the National Funding Formula (how schools are funded per pupil) will come into force from April 2018 and these changes will reduce annual school budgets in Birmingham by 1.5%, further compounding the strains on the school budget that the school are already experiencing.

Proposed Action

The issues detailed above regarding falling rolls, the school’s ongoing commitment to support newly-arrived pupils and the associated impact on finances means that the school is forecasting a potentially large budget deficit which, if not addressed, could have a further impact on the standards at the school.

The Governing Body and Leadership Team of the school, with the full support of the Local Authority, propose that a reduction in the admission number from 90 to 60 for 2017 should be sought from the Schools Adjudicator. This will allow the school to reduce down to two classes in Reception. The request for this change will help the school effectively focus resources to improve the overall education offered at Park Hill Primary School.

The Local Authority do not think the change to the admission number at Park Hill will have an adverse impact on neighbouring schools as there are currently sufficient vacancies in Reception classes for September 2017 at schools within one mile of Park Hill Primary School.

How to Make Your Views Known

As the admission arrangements and admission number for Park Hill Primary School have been determined for September 2017, the Local Authority will be carrying out a six week consultation to allow for parents, pupils and any other person with an interest in the proposal to make comments on the proposed change to the PAN.

The consultation will run from 3rd May 2017 for six weeks until 13th June 2017 inclusive.

If you wish to make comments, in support of or in objection to the Local Authority’s proposal to reduce the admission number, you may do so through the following website:

Or, by writing to the following address:

School Organisation Team

Education Infrastructure

PO Box 15843


B2 2RT

Following the six week consultation the Local Authority shall apply to the Office of The School Adjudicator for a variation to the number from 90 to 60 for September 2017. All comments received during the consultation period will be forwarded (anonymously) to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator for their consideration.

We will notify you of the decision of the Adjudicator when this has been made.

School Organisation Team

May 2017




24th April 2017

Dear parents and carers,

As you may know, Park Hill was recently inspected by Ofsted; their report has now been published and will be available on their website from Wednesday 26th April. If you would like to read the report, you will find it at


The Ofsted inspectors found that Park Hill ‘requires improvement’ where previously they had judged us to be a ‘good’ school. As a Park Hill parent myself, I can understand that you may be concerned by this judgment. Perhaps, like me, you will find the judgment a surprise and a disappointment given the experience of your child at Park Hill. Whatever your reaction, you will want to know what the Governors and the leadership team are going to do to make sure that Park Hill not only remains a ‘good’ school but is recognised as such by others.


Along with this letter you will find extracts from the Ofsted report of the many areas of good and excellent practice at Park Hill that Ofsted and other outside bodies have commented on, as well as the main areas of improvement that we will now be working on.


For as long as I’ve been a Governor, I’ve been impressed by how open Park Hill is to challenge by outsiders. We are going to draw even more fully on the support and challenge of people and organisations who we think can help us to continue improving. We are now drawing up an Improvement Plan and Birmingham Education Partnership will be working with us to ensure that we are making swift progress.


In the Autumn Term, Ofsted will visit us again to check that we are making good progress on our Improvement Plan and I will report back to you on what they find.


Given the attention which Park Hill must now give to making sure that we continue to improve, the Governing Body has decided that we should not pursue our consultation on possibly forming a Multi-Academy Trust. We will, of course, continue to collaborate with other local schools and will look to them for continued support and challenge.


I know that this Ofsted judgment is not what any of us would have wanted or expected. I, and all Governors, have confidence in the ability of the leadership team and wider staff to meet the challenges we are now facing and to demonstrate to you, and to others, that Park Hill is indeed the ‘good’ school that we all know our children deserve.


Once Year 6 SATs are out of the way, we will be holding meetings for parents at which you will be able to ask any questions on Tuesday 16th May at 9.15am and Wednesday 17th May at 6pm.

Alternatively you can, of course, contact the Head or me directly.


Best wishes,



Chris Lawrence-Pietroni

Chair of Governors


Park Hill Primary School Ofsted inspection report 21-22 March 2017

This is a school that requires improvement


  • Leaders and governors have not fully addressed the key issues raised at the previous inspection. Standards of attainment have remained consistently below the national average in early years and key stage 1.
  • Leaders do not ensure that areas identified for improvement are reflected precisely in school action plans. These plans are not systematically reviewed or evaluated to detect the impact of any actions taken.
  • Targets set for teachers’ performance are not closely matched to the needs of individual teachers or their classes.
  • Leaders and governors do not evaluate the use of the pupil premium funding well enough against outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.
  • Pupils do not make consistently good progress from their starting points due to inconsistencies in teaching.
  • Some teachers do not use assessment information about pupils well enough to set work at the right level. It is too hard for some and too easy for others.
  • Pupils are not consistently challenged well enough or given work which enables them to demonstrate that they are working at greater depth.
  • Sometimes, teachers accept untidy and small amounts of work from pupils. Pupils have too few opportunities to apply their literacy and numeracy skills in other subjects.
  • Leaders’ and teachers’ assessments of some children’s starting points in the early years are too low. Too few children reach a good level of development as teachers do not build on children’s early skills swiftly enough.

What the school needs to do to improve further:

Raise achievement by improving teaching across the school for all groups by  

  • using assessment information more effectively to plan work at the right level for pupils of different abilities
  • raising the level of challenge and moving pupils on when they show they are ready so that more pupils can demonstrate that they are working at greater depth
  • raising teachers’ expectations of the quality and quantity of work pupils produce
  • extending and developing pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills in other subjects.

Improve leadership and management by:

  • improving the accuracy and use of assessment information in the early years
  • ensuring that school action plans focus on current priorities and contain measurable milestones and criteria which are evaluated and reviewed regularly
  • setting performance targets for teaching staff based on the performance and context of their individual classes
  • evaluating the impact of the pupil premium funding across the school and adjusting provision where necessary to raise the achievement of disadvantaged pupils.

An external review of governance should be undertaken in order to assess how this aspect of leadership and management may be improved.

An external review of the use of pupil premium funding should be undertaken in order to assess how this aspect of leadership and management may be improved





·         Pupils’ personal development, welfare and behaviour are good. Pupils behave well in and around school. They are polite, respectful and helpful.

·         Pupils feel safe and know who to talk to if they have a problem. Safeguarding procedures are effective.

·         Leaders strongly promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Pupils have a good understanding of British values and are tolerant and respectful of other cultures and different faiths.

·         Attainment in phonics is rising. Attendance is also improving due to leaders’ relentless focus.


What the school does well:

Governors receive a wide body of information and do ask challenging questions in meetings. They have a good awareness of the challenges faced by the school. They have a good awareness of how the PE and sports premium and the pupil premium funding are spent and have participated fully in school safeguarding training. Governors are dedicated and fully committed in their roles to ensure that pupils receive a good education


Senior leaders carry out regular checks of teaching and provide support and feedback to teachers to help improve their practice. They lead training and have introduced some new initiatives which are showing early signs of positive impact, for example in improving phonics.


Leaders strongly promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. There is a happy and harmonious climate within the school. Pupils integrate well with those from different cultural or religious backgrounds. Discrimination of any sort is not tolerated and equal opportunities are afforded to all pupils. Pupils have a very strong understanding of British values as these are taught well and prominently displayed around the school.


Pupils’ reading ability is improving. Reading is a whole-school focus this year. Phonics teaching is good. Pupils get off to a good start in early years in learning sounds and letters. Pupils work in ability sets and teachers plan work at the right level. Incentives are offered to encourage pupils to read regularly. As a result, there are early signs that reading standards are rising and progress is accelerating.


Special educational needs funding is utilised more efficiently. Leadership of this area is effective. Assessment information and regular discussions with staff are used to identify which pupils need additional and targeted intervention. These programmes are carefully monitored and results show that these pupils make accelerated progress.


Personal development, behaviour and welfare : Good

Pupils enjoy school and feel safe. Their parents agree with them. Pupils have a good understanding of how to keep themselves safe as this is a high priority within the school. Pupils are aware of the dangers of using the internet. Learning mentors are also on hand to provide support and advice needed to pupils who are worried about anything. Pupils know what bullying is and the different forms it can take. They know what to do if they think someone is being bullied. Records checked show that there are very few racist or bullying incidents. The behaviour of pupils is good. Lessons are rarely disrupted. This is because adults manage pupils’ behaviour well. Pupils behave well in lessons and at playtimes, including during wet playtimes. Leaders carefully record any playtime accidents and follow this up with appropriate treatment. The issue identified at the previous inspection in relation to improving lunchtime behaviour has been fully addressed. Staff training has been put in place and equipment provided to help engage pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Safeguarding pupils is taken seriously and given high priority by the head teacher. Good systems are in place to keep pupils safe while they are at school.


Teachers plan a varied range of writing tasks appropriate to pupils’ ages. Teachers and pupils use subject vocabulary well and pupils’ work shows a secure understanding of words such as ‘fronted adverbials’. Pupils quickly grasp grammar, punctuation and spelling rules, and where teaching is good pupils apply these and demonstrate the ability to improve their work in a short period of time. Effective teaching enables the most able pupils to make good progress, especially in mathematics. Relationships between adults and pupils are good. This gives pupils the confidence to contribute to class discussions.


There is good coverage of different mathematical concepts across the school. Evidence in pupils’ books shows that problem-solving and reasoning skills are emerging. Pupils regularly practise and focus on number work. Pupils apply their knowledge well to different contexts such as fractions, shape, time and money. Additional booster classes and support provided in Year 6 has helped the majority of pupils achieve at least the level expected by the time they leave the school or reach greater depth.


The local authority commissions support from the Birmingham Education Partnership. Leaders have made good use of this opportunity and participated in peer-to-peer reviews. The most recent focus was on reading and external validation supports inspection findings that the school’s recent action to improve reading and phonics is being successful.




30th September 2016

Spotlight on Attendance

 A very important message for all parents

Dear Parent

At Park Hill we are working in partnership with parents to improve school attendance.   We would like to congratulate and thank the majority of parents who make sure their children attend school regularly.

It is a parent’s legal responsibility to ensure their children receive appropriate education. Failing to send your child to school regularly without good reason is a criminal offence.

Absence disrupts the education of the individual pupil and the whole class. Are you aware that children who do not attend regularly:

  • do not achieve well in exams?
  • find it difficult to maintain friendships?
  • are more likely to become involved in crime?
  • miss out on opportunities in further education and the world of work?

Absence can only be authorised by the Headteacher within the boundaries set by the Education (Pupil Registrations) (England) Regulations 2006.

Please remember that parental illness, going shopping, visiting family, truancy, not wanting to go to school, alleged bullying (speak to school immediately to resolve the issue) are not acceptable reasons to be absent. All of these will be recorded as unauthorised absence, including times when your child arrives at school after the close of registration. Leave in term time will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.

Legal action that may be taken include:

  • Issuing penalty notices: Each parent receives a penalty notice for each child who has unauthorised absence. The penalty is £60 or £120 depending on how soon payment is made. So, if there are two parents and two children the total penalties could be up to £480. Failure to pay may result in prosecution. 
  • Taking parents to court for unauthorised absence: Education Act 1996 Section 444(1) – court can fine each parent up to £1000 per child, order payment of prosecution costs and/or impose a Parenting Order.
  • Taking parents to court for persistent unauthorised absence: Education Act 1996 Section 444(1A) – court can fine each parent up to £2,500 per child, order payment of the prosecution costs, impose a Parenting Order and/or sentence you to a period of imprisonment of up to 3 months.Being taken to court could result in you having a criminal record.  

How does your child compare?

Attendance during one school year equals this number of days absent which is approximately this many weeks absent which means this number of lessons missed
90% 19 days 4 weeks 100 lessons
80% 38 days 8 weeks 200 lessons
70% 57 days 11.5 weeks 290 lessons

Frequent absence can add up to a considerable amount of lost learning and can seriously disadvantage your child in adult life.

 If your child’s level of absence is of serious concern you will receive another letter advising you about improving attendance.   After this, any further unauthorised absence may result in the School and the Local Authority taking legal action.

We will improve attendance by making it clear within the school and local community that unauthorised absence is not acceptable.   You will be informed of the number of penalty notices issued, prosecutions and the level of fines.

Again, we would like to thank those parents who make sure their child is attending school regularly and are therefore benefiting fully from their educational opportunity.


Yours sincerely



Kalsom Khan



30th September 2016

Leave in Term Time

A very important message for all parents

Dear Parent,

We are writing to inform you that a 2013 amendment to The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 means that Head Teachers may no longer authorise leave during term time except where the circumstances are exceptional. This is also in accordance with Birmingham Local Authority’s ‘Leave in Term Time Guidance’. If your child takes leave that has not been authorised by the Head Teacher, it will result in the absence being recorded as unauthorised. Please understand that this may lead to the issuing of a penalty notice and legal action being taken or your child losing their school place.

If you are issued with a penalty notice, each parent will be fined a minimum of £60 or £120 depending on how soon payment is made. If that fine is not paid, you may be required to attend Court and this could result in a fine for each parent of up to £1000 per child.

Being taken to Court could result in you having a criminal record.

If a pupil takes unauthorised leave in term time without the Head Teacher’s permission and does not return to school within 20 school days, the pupil may be deleted from the school register on the 21st day i.e. they will no longer have a place at this school.

Family emergencies need careful consideration. It is not always appropriate or in the best interests of the child to miss school for emergencies which are being dealt with by adult family members. Being at school, friendship with peers and support from staff can provide children with stability. The routine of school offers a safe and familiar background during times of uncertainty.

If you believe there is an exceptional and urgent reason for your child to take leave during term time, please complete the required form which you can obtain from the School. It is the Head Teacher who will then make a decision on whether or not the leave can be authorised. For example:


  • death of parent/carer or sibling of the pupil
  • life threatening or critical illness of parent or sibling of the pupil
  • parent/carer recuperation and convalescence from critical illness or surgery (leave request to be made within 6 months of recovery and medical evidence required)


We are grateful for the support we receive from parents and good attendance will ensure that your child can reach his/her full potential. To achieve this, your child needs to attend school every day.


How does your child compare?


Attendance during one school year equals this number of days absent which is approximately this many weeks absent which means this number of lessons missed
90% 19 days 4 weeks 100 lessons
80% 38 days 8 weeks 200 lessons
70% 57 days 11.5 weeks 290 lessons

Frequent absence can add up to a considerable amount of lost learning and can seriously disadvantage your child in adult life.

Yours sincerely


Kalsom Khan

Head Teacher




SAFEGUARDING : Late collection of children.


If a child is collected late, parents are currently asked to sign the late collection book. We appreciate that families may face an emergency and the vast majority of parents contact us to inform us on the rare occasion when they have to organise late collection or if someone else is coming to collect their child(ren). However, there are some children who are consistently collected late where this is a cause of concern for us in terms of safeguarding.

When a child is uncollected from school or from another activity, the safety and welfare of the child will be the paramount consideration in determining appropriate action.


New guidance has been issued by the Safeguarding team at Birmingham City council which outlines the procedures for schools when children are collected late without notice from parents:

  • The school will phone you and then any emergency contacts you have given (if we cannot reach you) to find out why a child has not been collected.
  • If no-one can be reached, the school will call a Social worker at the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and social services will then try to reach the family.
  • The school will call MASH if children have not been collected by 4.15pm (or at 4.45pm if they were at an after-school club).
  • If MASH cannot contact the family, safeguarding procedures will be followed by social services.


You may have a copy of the guidance ‘Emergency procedures when a child is not collected’ from the school office if you wish.




Agencies and Contact Numbers you may find useful


CEOP = Child Exploitation and Online Protection = 0870 000 3344 =

NSPCC = National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children =

Helpline : 0808 800 5000      Childline : 0800 1111

CIAS = Child Information and Advice Service = 303 1888

Anti Social Behaviour 0121 303 1111

Benefits (includes Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support 0121 464 7000

Child protection – concerned about a child? 0121 303 1888

Council Tax 0121 303 1113

Domestic Violence 0121 303 0368 or 0121 303 0369

Emergency Duty Team 0121 675 4806

Environmental Health 0121 303 6007 Highways/Flooding/Transportation (out of hours only) 0121 303 4149

Homelessness 0121 303 7410

Housing Repairs 0800 073 3333

Rubbish (Waste and Recycling) 0121 303 1112

School Admissions & Pupil Placements 0121 303 1888


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