Nursery 2016-17
Spring 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to welcome back our families and children. It is lovely to see the children after the holidays and we hope you had an enjoyable break. This is going to be an exciting half-term. Our topic is ‘Colour’ and ‘People who help us’. We will be looking at the artist Jackson Pollock and at colours in the environment.
In English we be looking at the books ‘Za za’s baby’, ‘The Gingerbread man’ and ‘Pass the Jam Jim’. To support our topic of ‘People who help us’, we will look at a range of non-fiction books. Do you think you could visit the library and find some books to help us? We will also be looking at rhyme and the children will be taking part in the ‘Book Start Rhyme Time Challenge’. We must stress the importance of children learning nursery rhymes as, through doing this, they learn how to practise pitch, volume and the rhythm of language. In addition, children develop their mouth and tongue muscles by using the different sounds in the rhyme.
In Maths we will continue to practise counting, shape, number recognition and looking at the language of size. We will be encouraging the children to use mathematical language to describe more, less, taller and shorter.
Please continue to bring suitable winter clothing for the colder weather. These need to be clearly labelled. We will continue to send Attendance Cat home with the children so remember to send your child to school every day. Can we remind parents that Nursery starts at 8:30 a.m and 12:30 p.m. Please ensure that you arrive on time as the children start their learning as soon as they come in.
We will be starting weekly sessions of fun ‘multi skills’ games outdoors as part of our physical development, with the aim of improving health and fitness for our children. Therefore, could you please provide your child with a pair of black P.E. pumps for this term. These should be labelled with your child’s name inside and sent to Nursery in a bag. Thank you very much for your co-operation.
Many thanks
The Nursery Team
Autumn 2
Dear Parents/ Carers,
We hope you had a lovely half-term. The children have settled back into Nursery really well and are ready for a busy time this half term. We will be learning about the topic ‘Ourselves’ and about the festivals of Christmas, Diwali and Eid. Through this topic, we will be looking at our families, our senses and how we change.
In English we will be reading the traditional tales of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’. We will be encouraging the children to look at books and discuss the characters involved in the story. In addition, we will be holding lots of mark making activities to encourage the children with their early writing.
In Maths we will be encouraging the children to recite some number names in sequence and begin to make comparisons between quantities. Please encourage this at home by counting with your child and looking for numbers in the environment. In addition, we will be looking at 2D shapes and their properties.
As the colder weather is approaching, please ensure that children are suitably dressed so that everyone can continue to access the curriculum fully, both indoors and out. We would advise children to bring waterproofs and wellies to keep on their pegs for the wetter weather.
Please send a bag of spare named clothes so children can be changed into their home clothes if they get wet. Can you also please ensure that all uniform is named please?
Please continue to bring your child to school every day and on time. Remember Attendance Cat loves to visit children who have excellent attendance!
Many thanks
The Nursery team
Mrs Ali from the School Office assisting Nursery parents
with application for Reception September 2017.
Park Hill Primary School Nursery