Year Five 2013-14
Year 5 trip to Selly Manor
4th June 2014
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Year 5 visited Selly Manor to find out all about the Tudors, as part of our summer term topic.
The day was full of exciting and interesting things to do such as dressing up, exploring traditional Tudor toys and games and much more.
We have learned about Tudor houses: what they were made of and really enjoyed finding out what the daub mixture consisted of!
We were fascinated with the priest hole that we managed to find in the attic.
Dear Parents,
This half term our topic is the Tudors. We shall be finding out about the role of Henry VIII and researching the lives of his wives. Linked to this, we shall be visiting Selly Manor later in the term.
In Literacy, we will be studying ‘There’s a boy in the girl’s bathroom’ and writing in the style of a diary entry.
In Numeracy, we shall be extending our counting, partitioning and calculating skills as well as securing number facts and understanding shapes.
PE will continue to be taught on Wednesday and Thursday. Our PE will focus on athletics and cricket. Some children will have the chance to take part in a cricket tournament. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR CHILD HAS THE CORRECT KIT ON THE CORRECT DAY!
In ICT, we will be creating and managing pages within a Wiki. Additionally to this, we will be adding HTML features to a Wiki. Finally, we will be exploring how we can edit and improve our Wiki pages.
Our Science topic this half term is Earth, Sun and Moon. We shall be learning about the movement of the sun, earth and moon over periods of time
Our PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) topic is ‘Goals and identity’. We will be thinking about setting goals and how we can work towards achieving them. We will be looking at a biography of Harriet Tubman to help us to further explore goal and target setting.
In RE, we will be spending the summer term looking at ‘Being temperate, exercising self-discipline and serene contentment/ Being thankful and Being imaginative and explorative’.
Homework will continue to be set weekly for Literacy (including spellings) and Numeracy. Please encourage your child to complete and return their homework as it helps to consolidate their learning.
We appreciate your continuing support this half term.
From the Year 5 Team
Year 5 Inspire workshop
Talk for Writing
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Dear Year 5 Parents,
During this half term we will be continuing with our topic of Pakistan and will be looking at the geography of Pakistan, traditional foods and modes of transport. In Creative Arts Week at the end of term, we will be creating traditional Pakistani bus art.
In Literacy, we will be studying narrative (based on a traditional Pakistani story), persuasive writing and reports.
During maths lessons, we will be looking at handling data and measures.
In Science, we are going to be exploring Changing Sounds – this focuses on how sounds are produced, transmitted and how they can be reduced. We will also look at what causes volume and pitch change.
We will continue our PATHS programme, which will focus on learning about problem solving and making good decisions.
PE will continue outdoors (on Wednesdays) and indoors (on Thursday) this term. We shall be developing skills in gymnastics and in rugby and netball, working towards competitions at the end of the Spring Term. Can we remind parents that PE kit consists of: plain black shorts or trousers; a plain white t-shirt; trainers for outdoor/pumps for indoors; and a warm jumper for outdoors. Headscarves must be of a plain design, in red, white or black.
Homework will continue to be set for literacy and maths on a Wednesday. There will also be a range of activities on LearnAnywhere, the school’s virtual learning environment, via which pupils can choose to submit their homework.
In ICT, we will develop our understanding of programming using the program Scratch – it’s great fun and you can download it for free; ask your child to show you what they can do!
Pupils will be continuing with some basic French language skills.
In R.E, we will explore issues affecting different faith groups, particularly concerning participation and willingness to lead and being modest and listening to others. These issues will be tackled through the beliefs of a wide range of religions. This will also encompass a visit to the Birmingham Central Mosque.
Please note our Literacy Inspire Workshops will take place this half term on Monday 24th March. We hope that all parents will be able to attend these.
Many thanks for your continuing support.
The Year 5 Team