Year Five Curriculum
At Park Hill, particularly because many of our pupils begin their school life without the oracy skills appropriate for their age, we recognise the importance of spoken language in the development of reading and writing and, indeed, of the whole individual. The skills of speaking and listening are explicitly taught and children are given a wide range of opportunities to practise these skills and develop confidence and competence.
Throughout the School, children talk about their learning, developing ideas and understanding through discussion, asking questions, being able to listen carefully to others’ views and giving them time to respond, sometimes challenging others’ viewpoints, negotiating with others in group work and considering a range of viewpoints. Talk partners are often used as a strategy to encourage discussion in lessons. Relevant vocabulary is explicitly taught in lessons across the curriculum so that our children’s knowledge and understanding of vocabulary increases. Talk for Writing, which is used throughout the school in order to embed key vocabulary in children’s minds, is one such method that is employed on a regular basis. For younger pupils, opportunities to develop their spoken language include role play within the indoor and outdoor learning environments where children can explore language in contexts such as a garage or a hairdresser’s or a café, for example. As the children become older, opportunities are extended with the children preparing to speak to an audience using ICT presentations or posters as prompts. Children in Year 6 learn to use spoken language in a formal debate. Spoken language is also developed through drama activities as children improvise, refine and rehearse scripts and learn to present these to an audience – for example – in their class assemblies. Rehearsing ideas through role play and spoken language enables children to explore different genres, identify with characters and develop vocabulary: teachers often use this approach as preparation to improve the quality of written work. During the year we run poetry performance competitions where children of all ages can showcase their ability to learn off texts by heart and perform poems of their choice with expression and actions. Every week a talk homework topic is sent home for the children to talk about with their families and then come back into school to discuss with their teachers and peers. We promote respect towards all languages and dialects that children may bring into school with them. We value all languages and recognise home languages as a stepping-stone to progress in the use of English |
At Park Hill, reading is taught as a separate lesson from writing. However, we very much try to link reading and writing activities so that often the same genre is being taught in both lessons. The children are taught reading skills, which are based around progression statements connected with:
For years 5 and 6, reading is taught separately from writing, although there is very much an overlap between the two subjects. Instead of being taught using different texts for each group, one text is used for the whole class. Children often begin their reading lessons by answering questions on a short passage (or illustration), which can be taken from their class text or can be around a short video clip. The question types used are those:
During the main lesson, discussions take place on the text, centring around one or more of the progression statements appropriate to their ability. Written tasks are given as follow-up activities to ensure secure understanding of what has been discussed. A cold comprehension is also undertaken by the children on a weekly basis. We have close links with our local library, Balsall Heath, and are often involved in projects with them. We make regular visits to the library and the librarians frequently come into school to speak not only to the children but also to their parents to help promote a love of reading and make them aware of the library’s facilities. |
In writing, we base our learning around the Writing Cycle which takes the following format:
Year 5 – Year Group Author – Louis Sachar | ||
Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term |
Letters connected with class novel, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ |
Posters connected to robotics topic | Narrative connected to robotics topic |
Leaflets connected with visit to Cadbury World |
Narrative writing connected with World War II | Report connected with Robotics topic |
Poetry based around World War II |
Letters based around ‘The Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’ by Louis Sacher | Diary linked to Ancient Greeks |
Biographies connected with Black History Week |
Own choice of genre linked to ‘The Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’ b Louis Sacher | Narrative writing linked to Ancient Greeks |
Reports connected with World War II |
Narrative writing connected with World War II | |
Posters connected with e-safety | |
Grammar and Punctuation |
Grammar and punctuation points are taught at the beginning of English lessons, where they are relevant to the genre being worked on. There are also discrete lessons in grammar and punctuation from Year 2 upwards.
Spelling, appropriate to ability and age expectation, is taught for short periods of time on a daily basis in Key Stage 2 in line with statutory guidance. The children are then encouraged to apply the rules they have learned to their independent writing. |
At Park Hill we aim to equip children with the skills to write in a handwriting style that is fluent, joined and legible. Children throughout the school use a cursive script where all letters start with a lead-in from the line and have a tiny hook on the end of them, which makes it easier to join them. Lower case g, y and j are not joined and neither are capital letters. Some children begin to join their letters in Year 2 but it is expected that all children will be joining their letters by Year 4 when every child is must use a pen for all their writing. |
WRITING Year group author: Louis Sachar |
(All connected with WW2 and novel: Adolphus Tips) |
Solids, liquids & gases, reversible & irreversible changes Properties of materials: insulators & conductors |
Life cycles: plants & humans Earth & Space |
Gravity, air resistance & friction Pulleys, gears & levers |
Historical links to topic Identifying time/chronology of the rise of the Cadbury business in Bournville, Birmingham The impact of The Second World War on British & Local Life A study of a significant turning point in British history, beyond 1066, including a local study
Ancient Greece A study of Greek life, achievements and their influence on the Western World
The Chocolate Factory—A Study of Cadbury’s at Bournville Human geography study, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links Geographical links to topic Identifying parts of Europe, Britain & Moseley |
The Environment, Energy Use and Conservation A study of human geography, including: land use, economic activity, the distribution of natural resources including: energy, food, minerals and water
Geographical links to topic Identifying Greece, Greek cities, surrounding waters & bordering countries on a map of Europe
COMPUTING (Rising Stars: ‘Switched On’ scheme) |
We are artists Fusing geometry and art to create a design Creativity We are Cryptographers Cracking codes – Computational thinking |
We are bloggers Sharing experiences & opinions Communication/collaboration We are architects Creating a virtual space Productivity |
We are game developers Developing an interactive game Programming We are web developers Creating a web page about cyber safety Computer Networks |
MUSIC (Music Express Scheme) |
Cyclic patterns Exploring rhythm & pulse Roundabout Exploring rounds |
Songwriter Exploring protest songs Journey to space Exploring sound sources |
Stars, hide your fires Performing together Who Knows? Exploring music processes |
P.E. |
Gym Invasion Games Basketball Gym Invasion Games Rugby |
Dance Invasion Games Netball Dance Net Games Volleyball |
Athletics Striking & fielding Games Cricket Athletics Striking & fielding Games Rounders |
Getting Started & Introduction Problem Solving |
Goals & Identity Making & Keeping friends |
Making & Keeping friends / Being Responsible & Caring for Others Being Responsible & Caring for Others |
F.L: SPANISH (First year of implementation) |
All about me & establishing phrases & vocabulary for
classroom routines &objects Understand and say numbers 0-10. Meet and establish common letter strings. Participate in a short exchange greeting someone- asking and saying how you are. Identify rhyming words in a poem. Follow simple classroom instructions. Explore auditory differences between un/una. Ask for and give name. Recognise a question form. Christmas lesson- Nativity play/Letter to the three Kings. |
Revision of numbers.
Ask for and state age. Recognise how accents alter pronunciation. Colours. Perform actions to Spanish Song. Experiment with writing by producing short sentences using verb, adjective and connective. Names of fruit. Recognise singular and plural items and how they affect the verb. Reflect on healthy eating habits. |
Easter lesson- Spring time/Weather conditions.
Understand Spanish traditions and customs across the various regions of Spain. Days of the week. Join in reading a story. Match sounds to the written word. Re-arrange familiar sentences into the correct word order. Months of the year. Focus on specific key sounds and letter strings. Identify social conventions at home and in other cultures. |
Packaging design Using given criteria to design product packaging for chocolate bars Building model Anderson shelters Model-making: Exploring sculpture techniques with a range of materials. |
Clay Exploring sculpture techniques, form of pot structure & design; coil pots & handles – links to Ancient Greeks |
Food technology & the Environment Understanding seasonality, and know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed |
Programming & building robots Linked with computing & science |
R.E. (Following Birmingham Agreed Syllabus) |
Compassion/choice: Caring for Others, Animals and the Environment / Being Accountable and Living with Integrity Compassion: Sharing and Being Generous Commitment: Being Loyal & Steadfast Commitment: Being Hopeful & Visionary |
Contemplation: Being Open, Honest & Truthful Contemplation: Being Silent & Attentive, Cultivating a Sense for the Sacred & Transcendence Community: Participation & Willing to Lead Community: Being modest & Listening to Others |
Choice: Being Temperate, Exercising Self-Discipline & Cultivating Serene Contentment Choice: Being accountable & Living with Integrity Creativity: Being Thankful Creativity: Being Imaginative & Explorative |