Year One 2015-16
1H really enjoyed their sports day in the sun.
Next stop the olympics!
Dear Parents,
We will be reading Jack and the Beanstalk this half term and children will be altering part of this traditional tale to write their own version. Please talk to your child about a different character who could climb the beanstalk. What might they find at the top of the beanstalk?
We will be continuing to develop our place value knowledge and learning what each digit means in a two digit number. We will be measuring length and height using non-standard units of measure as well as introducing centimetres and using a ruler to measure accurately. Doubling and halving will also be covered this half term so please continue to help your child to learn these facts.
This half term the children will be learning to identify and name trees, plants, birds and mammals. Why not see what you can spot in your local park?
We will be thinking about what makes a good friend. We will also be learning about the story of Easter.
This half term we will be learning about Louisa Ryland and her links to the history of Cannon Hill Park.
The children will learn to produce short videos of themselves making a healthy meal or snack.
Children will be continuing to experience a variety of multi-skills activities as well as learning early athletics skills. It is important that your child has their PE kit in school every day.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Year 1 Teachers
C Bywater, D Morgan, F Hussain, J Gregory
Year 1 Workshop on Wednesday 13th January 2016
Aston Hall Trip – Cinderella
Year 1 Weaving Workshop
Poetry Recitation Competition October 2015
There was a fantastic atmosphere around school as many children were practicing their poems to perform in the competitions in school. The teachers were completely overcome at the effort that so many children put into this and the standard was amazingly high. Thank you to those parents who gave their children support in doing this – they really did you proud!
Year 1 Winning Poem
1H Maths Workshop
Year 1 Black History workshop