Year Three 2015-16
Year 3 learning all about Romans at Birmingham Museum
3BR handling and researching Romans artifacts, creating mosaic designs and making clay oil lamps
3P on route to Birmingham Museum
Tennis Workshop – Year 3 enjoying a tennis session with Billesley Tennis club
Year 3BR Assembly About the United Kingdom
Wednesday 27th April
Year 3 Inspire Workshop click to view [Compatibility Mode]
On Wednesday 16th March 2016
Year 3 went to Sarehole Mill
Dear Parents,
We have had a great start to the Spring Term and are looking forward to continuing our hard work this half term. Here is what we will be learning:
We will begin by writing instructions on how to make cress heads. This also links with our new topic of ‘Health For Life’ and the science unit ‘Growing Plants’. Following on from instructions, we will continue developing our writing skills by learning about how to set out a letter and how to adapt the language according to the reader. As ever, please make sure your child continues to read every night at home!
We will be exploring ways of collecting, analysing and presenting data as well as looking at number sequences and patterns. In addition to that, we will be developing our understanding of 2-D shapes by learning about area and perimeter. We will be returning to developing our understanding of the four key maths processes – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – with particular emphasis on the compact methods.
In science we have a very hands-on approach as our new unit of work is growing plants. We will therefore be growing our own cress plants and investigating which factors affect how plants grow. As the topic being covered this term is ‘Health For Life’, the science unit will extend into topic work and there will be some cross-curricular activities.
During RE lessons we will be exploring our roots as well as looking at how we are accountable for our decisions and how we can try to live with integrity. In addition to that, we will look at the importance and value of friendships. Therefore, there will be activities that deepen our understanding of respecting diversity and ability to cooperate. We will also revisit some key social skills of being a good friend in PATHS lessons and consider what qualities we need to have to be a good friend. In particular, we will look at using ‘peaceful problem solving’ strategies when we fall out with friends. Towards the end of the term, we will be learning about the Easter story and, as a follow-up to this unit of work, visiting the Birmingham Cathedral in the Summer Term.
This term, the children will continue to attend swimming sessions at Balsall Heath Swimming Baths. They will also learn tactics and strategies linked to invasion games such as basketball and netball as well as completing the unit on orienteering skills.
Our topic this half term is based around living a healthy lifestyle and we will be looking at a range of ways to stay healthy such as the food we eat, exercise as well as rest and relaxation. We will start off by learning about what constitutes a balanced healthy diet. Look out for the amazing demonstration of the damage too much fat can do to our arteries! Finally, we will be researching, designing, making and then evaluating a healthy yogurt drink.
Dates For Your Diary:
Thursday 25th February – 3E am/3P pm trip to Sarehole Mill (Life in the Stone Age)
Friday 26th February 3BR trip to Sarehole Mill (Life in the Stone Age)
Wednesday 16th March English Inspire (3BR/3P am and 3E pm)
Friday 18th March Sports Relief Dressing Up Day
Wednesday 23rd March Easter Bonnet Parade and Easter Egg Competition
Thursday 24th March World Book Week Dressing Up Day
The Year 3 team.
Year 3 Overview October 2015
Poetry Recitation Competition October 2015
There was a fantastic atmosphere around school as many children were practicing their poems to perform in the competitions in school. The teachers were completely overcome at the effort that so many children put into this and the standard was amazingly high. Thank you to those parents who gave their children support in doing this – they really did you proud!
Year 3 Winning Poem