Year Two 2013-14
Year 2 Growing in Planters
Year 2 in May 2014 planted Kale, Coriander, Spinach, Spring Onions and Beetroot
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100% Attendance Treat
2T, 2P and RL for 100% attendance for 10 consecutive days
The Animal Man brought in lots of different animals for us to see and touch, like Bradley the lizard who eats flies and stores all the food in his tail. Pedro the snake who is a Mexican Black King snake because he eats rattle snakes.
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Dear Parents
This half term, our topic will be ‘Seasides of the Past’. We will be looking at what people did at the seaside in the past, places they visited and what they wore. We will be developing our observational skills by looking at photographs and maps and then designing our own model of the seaside.
In Science, the children will continue learning about Plants and Variation in the Environment and linking this to our trip to Dudley Zoo.
During Maths lessons we will be developing our calculation skills using all the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division,
The Literacy focus will be writing longer narratives.
For ICT, we will be focusing on visual literacy and improving our typing skills.
Miss Smith Ms Stoiber Miss Patel Mrs Tariq
Year 2 Teachers
Year 2 Multi skills sports day at Billesley Tennis
Court on 2nd April 2014
Prizes given to children for coming into
school every day on time
10 days consecutive attendance all present
class 2T received a cake and they will also
be going bowling
Moseley Park
Year 2 Visited Moseley Park to observe habitat
Black History
Clive the Story Teller
Drumming Workshop
St Anne’s Church
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