Year Two 2015-16
Year 2 went to Dudley Zoo on
Thursday 21st April
What a Beautiful peacock!
Dear Parents/Carers
During this half term we will be Treasure Seekers. We will carry out a study of the school grounds and surrounding locality, using simple maps and compasses to find treasure!
We will focus on narratives in English. Our first story is about Amphibby Anne. We will be writing character descriptions, describing settings and writing stories.
During maths lessons, we will continue to develop and improve the skills and strategies we need to solve problems related to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also learn more about fractions. It is important that we learn our 10, 5 and 2 times multiplication tables by heart.
In computing we are learning to be photographers. This involves taking, selecting and editing digital images.
Our science lessons will continue to focus on life cycles and habitats.
We look forward to seeing you at our English Inspire Workshop on Thursday 17th March. We hope you will be able to attend.
Miss M Smith, Mrs Tariq, Miss Gee and Miss King
Blakely Hall
Friday 7th November 201
Year 2T were the winners of this half terms attendance
Well Done
Poetry Recitation Competition October 2015
There was a fantastic atmosphere around school as many children were practicing their poems to perform in the competitions in school. The teachers were completely overcome at the effort that so many children put into this and the standard was amazingly high. Thank you to those parents who gave their children support in doing this – they really did you proud!
Year 2 Winning Poem